Green Party Leader Champions Green Economy with Local Food Security Bill

11 FEBRUARY 2015

To create new green jobs and sustainable business opportunities in New Brunswick, the Leader of the Green Party and MLA for Fredericton South tabled a bill in the Legislature today, entitled Local Food Security Act.

If passed, the Local Food Security Act, will:

  • Establish provincial targets to increase the percentage of fresh and processed food produced and consumed in New Brunswick;

  • Require public institutions such as schools and hospitals to increase the percentage of food on their menus that is produced and processed in New Brunswick with local ingredients; and,

  • Establish a labeling system to clearly identify food and beverages produced in New Brunswick.

"Growing our local food economy will immediately create jobs and opportunities for new businesses and for New Brunswick farmers in every corner of our province, as more of our food dollars stay in New Brunswick to support our people," said David Coon, Leader of the Green Party and MLA for Fredericton South.

Studies show that by converting only $10 per week from each household currently being spent on imported foods, to New Brunswick-grown foods, the province could see over $30-million in increased revenues. A move towards local food procurement through the adoption of this Local Food Security Act is the first step in making this a reality.

"Ensuring that our children, seniors and hospital patients have access to nutritious, local and increasingly organic food will contribute to a healthier population and cut the $2.5-billion annual cost for healthcare," Mr. Coon added.
